What if we can create a happier, more prosperous reality, if we just know how to ask for more?
Most of us have been trained to draw conclusions and not to ask questions.
And if we are already asking, we’ve become accustomed to asking for what’s “permitted” and not what we really truly desire and wish for. Most of us have the point of view that it is our environment that creates and asks for us, we don’t really look within and ask for what our true self already knows and desires to be.
How can this key contribute to me?
The key will teach us to look at this reality from a different point of view.
We’ll learn how to release our grip on the old perspective and the points of view that don’t work for us anymore. Changing our points of view will allow us to change our reality, just like that.
Together we will dismantle all the definitions that separate us from being and having greater abundance and pleasure in life.
From the very first workshop on the key of abundance and pleasure, you will come out with a new awakened consciousness of your reality, and a new awareness of how to create it as a happier and richer reality for you and the whole world.
Ready to make a difference?
Write your mail and WhatsApp or messenger number, and we will be back to you as soon as possible
What about the other keys?
Purchase all the keys at an amazing price and bonuses especially for you now.
Write your mail and WhatsApp or messenger number, and we will be back to you as soon as possible

Stay in touch with me for more Inspiration

Stay in touch with me for more Inspiration
Sharona Hadar Houri has a unique perspective of the world. ‘If you ask who I am today? I am in service of the creation to be a change in this world. One that has not yet existed here. A change that creation has been asking us to be for so long.”
“Connected to the truth of each and every one of us, the truth that will create more, for all of us and for the whole world.
If we act in accordance with this truth in every choice, in every moment, our reality will change beyond recognition.”
What if it is possible for us to be and receive with ease, much more than we ever have before, when we are willing to let go of survival, struggle, difficulty and suffering?
‘Ever since I discovered and uncovered more of my truth, everything has changed beyond recognition in every area of my life – health, body, money, career, relationships. It is now impossible for me to go back to my old way of thinking.
I have found that as I change, I facilitate wider and wider circles around me to be inspired to choose to be, to percive, to know and to receive much more.
The joy of discovery and the rapid changes that I and all those around me experienced, created within me the knowing, that this is the path I choose to be and to invite others to more and more.